A.vessel includes seaplanes
B.seaplane includes non-displacement craft
C.vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling lines
D.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels
D.Running into danger
A.vessel trolling
B.mineclearing vessel
D.vessel engaged in replenishment at sea
A.bow to the wind
B.beam to the wind
C.stern to the wind
D.with the wind on the quarter
A.an off-center TCG
B.an LCG greater than level vessel LCB
C.a negative GM
D.excessive free surfaces
A.A vessel trawling
B.A vessel trolling
C.A vessel setting nets
D.A vessel tending lines
The pitch of a propeller is a measure of the().
The distance between rivets in a row is known as the().
Which is TRUE of a stiff vessel? ()
That half of the hurricane to the right hand side of its track (as you face the same direction that the storm is moving) in the Northern Hemisphere is called the().
When the period of beam seas equals the natural rolling period of a vessel,what will most likely occur?()
The time required to incline from bow down to stern down and return to bow down again is called().
Which statement concerning an automatic towing engine is FALSE? ()
In order to benefit from the use of storm oil in heavy seas,the storm oil should be spread ().
Point Judith Harbor of Refuge().
Which statement is TRUE of a stiff vessel? ()