A.Is restricted in her ability to maneuver
B.Has sounded the danger signal
C.Is not taking appropriate action
D.Has not changed course since risk of collision was determined
A.You must keep your course and speed
B.You may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear
C.The other vessel must keep her course and speed
D.Both vessels must keep their course and speed
A.In doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collision
B.Altering course to starboard
C.Altering course to port
D.The stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed
A.Crossing ahead of the other
B.Crossing astern of the other
C.Passing port to port
D.Passing starboard to starboard
When one upbound vessel is overtaking another vessel and both are pushing a tow ahead,what reaction may you expect().
Your vessel is NOT making way,but is not in any way disabled.Another vessel is approaching you on your starboard beam.Which statement is TRUE().
When ship at anchor she shall be deemed to be().
Vessels should maintain a sharp lookout,especially during December through March,when navigating the right whale’s only known calving grounds which lie off the coasts of().
You see another vessel approaching,and its compass bearing does not significantly change.This would indicate that().
Vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft is called().
Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog().
You are underway in reduced visibility.You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow.Risk of collision may exist.You should().
When you doubt the existence of risk of collision,().
You are underway and approaching a bend in the channel where vessels approaching from the opposite direction cannot be seen.You should sound().