A.acids or alkalies
B.diesel oil
C.acids, but not alkalies
D.alkalies, but not acids
C.more corrosion resistant
D.a lower grade steel
A.GM-available and required
B.Longitudinal stress numberal
C.Tons per inch immersion numeral
A.Mean draft
A.wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck
B.the chains and shackles used to secure to deck cargo
C.a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
D.cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing
A.The righting arms at various angles of inclination and displacement
B.The metacentric height at large angle of heel
C.The height of the center of buoyancy at various angles
D.The metacentric radius at various angles
Manoeuvring information can not be obtained from().
Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on a particular day of the year?()
The helm command PORT TWENTY means().
The mean draft of a ship is the draft().
Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?().
Which of the following is not a form of precipitation?()
The force resulting from the earth’s rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called().
When the wave period and the apparent rolling period are the same().
Berthing means bringing a vessel to her berth until().
The company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and date which are relevant to().