單項選擇題It was three British sportsmen who()banned drugs.

A.were catching taking
B.caught to take
C.caught in taking
D.were caught taking



2.單項選擇題If you want to find a decent location for your own home,()Mr. Smith for advice.

A.turn to
B.pass through
C.shut in
D.write up

6.單項選擇題()the've got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.

A.Due to
B.Ever since
C.Now that
D.Regardless of

7.單項選擇題(),John has been to several foreign countries.

A.Even he is young
B.Young though he is
C.In spite of he is young
D.Young is as he

8.單項選擇題()the concert had begun did we realize what a splendid show it was going to be.

A.No sooner
B.Only after