Following ticket consists of a problem description and existing configuration on the device.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Trouble Ticket Statement
Client 1 is getting an IP address from the DHCP server but is not able to ping DSW1 or the FTP
Cisco 642-832: Practice Exam
Configurationon DSW1
vlan access-map test1 10drop
match ip address 10!
vlan filter test1 vlan-list 10!
ip access-list standard 10permit!
Interface VLAN10
ip address!
On which device is the fault condition located?()
C.Client 1
D.FTP Server
Following ticket consists of a problem description and existing configuration on the device.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Trouble Ticket Statement
Client 1 is not able to reach the WebServer at Initial troubleshooting shows that R1 isalso not able to reach the WebServer. R1 also does not have any active BGP neighbor.
Cisco 642-832: Practice Exam
Configon R1
router bgp 65001
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
network mask
neighbor remote-as 65002
no auto-summary!
access-list 30 permit host
access-list 30 deny
access-list 30 deny!
interface Serial0/0/0/1
ip address
ip nat outside
ip access-group 30 in
What is the solution of the fault condition?()
A.Add permit statement for network in access list 30
B.Remove Deny Statements from access-list 30
C.Change neighbor remote-as 65002 statement to neighbor remote-as 65001
D.Use extended access-list instead of standard access-lis
Following ticket consists of a problem description and existing configuration on the device.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Trouble Ticket Statement
Client 1 and Client 2 are not able to reach the WebServer at Initial troubleshooting showsthat DSW1, DSW2 and all the routers are able to reach the WebServer
Cisco 642-832: Practice Exam
Configuration on R1
ip nat inside source list nat_pool interface Serial0/0/0/1 overload!
ip access-list standard nat_poolpermit!
interface Serial0/0/0/1
ip address
ip nat outside!
ip address
ip nat inside
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOT
ip ospd authentication message-digest
What is the solution of the fault condition?()
A.Add permit statement in nat_pool access-list
B.Remove permit statement from nat_pool access-list
C.Change ip nat inside source list nat_pool interface Serial0/0/0/1 overload to ip nat inside source listnat_pool interface Serial0/0/0/0.12 overload
D.Change ip nat outside statement under Serial0/0/0/1 configuration to ip nat inside
A new router was configured with the following commands:The configuration above was found on an Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) Multiprotocol LabelSwitching (MPLS) network. What is its purpose?()
This item contains several questions that you must answer. You can view these questions byclicking on the Questions button to the left. Changing questions can be accomplished by clicking the numbers to the left of each question. In order to complete the questions, you will need to referto the SDM and the topology, neither of which is currently visible.To gain access to either the topology or the SDK click on the button to left side of the screen thatcorresponds to the section you wish to access. When you have finished viewing the topology theSDK you can return to your questions by clicking on the Questions button to the left.Which defined peer IP address an local subnet belong to Crete?()
IPSec VPN is a widely-acknowledged solution for enterprise network. What are the four steps tosetup an IPsec VPN?()
As a network technician, do you know what is a recommended practice for secure configurationmanagement?()
Drag and drop the steps in the process for provisioning a cable modem to connect to a headendon the above to the below in the order defined by the DOCSIS standard.
Study the exhibit carefully.Routers A and B are customer routers. Routers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are provider routers. The routers areoperating with various IOS versions. Which frame mode MPLS configuration statement is true?()
Drag and drop question. The upper gives the MPLS functions, the bottom describes the planes.Drag the above items to the proper location at the below
Router NetworkTut is configured as shown below:Given the above configuration, which statement is true?()
Drag the DSL local loop topic on the left to the correct descriptions on the right.
Identify the recommended steps for worm attack mitigation by dragging and dropping them into thetarget area in the correct order.