A.both as clarifiers
B.first one as clarifiers, second one as purifier
C.both as purifiers
D.first one as purifier, second one as clarifier
A.the plant should be prohibited to supplying air
B.the plant should work at intervals
C.the plant should be added disinfector in time
D.we should check strength of activated sludge, ivory-white color is best
A.chlorine water
C.hypo-calcium chloride
D.calcium oxide
A.deposition chamber
B.oxidation pool
C.disinfection chamber
D.all chamber
When does auxiliary burner of rotary nozzle incinerator begin to work? ()
Ⅰ.hen igniting
Ⅱ.he sludge for dealing with is too much
Ⅲ.efore stopping incinerator
A.After stopping supplying sludge oil, the value and pipe should be flushed by flushed by diesel oil and the incinerator continue burning for 10 minutes
B.Close auxiliary burner firstly and then close main burner
C.After stopping fuel, restoring the position of main fuel supply valve
D.Stop blower as soon as stopping supplying fuel oil
To proceed to the assistance of a ship in distress is()
Engine parameters shall be corresponded to NOx Technical Files. This is required by ()
One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()
Which of the listed governor characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing relationship between paralleled diesel generators?()
Which of the diesel engine components listed increase air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?()
Cold weather starting of a diesel engine may be made easier by()
A purge recovery system is used in a centrifugal air conditioning or refrigeration system to ()
The ISPS Code consists of a mandatory section-Part A, which shows()
The cetane rating of diesel fuel is an indication of the ()
Diesel engine air start system check valves are opened by ()