A.red lights
B.red lights and two white lights
C.red lights with a white light in between
D.white lights with a red light in between
A.will be coming to periscope depth
B.will be coming to the surface
C.is on the bottom in distress
D.is in distress and will try to surface
A.need not show the lights for a vessel engaged in towing,if it is impractical to do so
B.may show the lights for a vessel not under command
C.must show a yellow light above the stern light
D.must show the lights for a vessel towing
B.in distress
C.at anchor
D.not under command
A.engaged in piloting
B.towing astern
C.engaged in fishing
D.in distress
A.avoid cross
B.avoid to cross
C.avoid crossly
D.avoid crossing
Your vessel is not underway when().
Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog().
You are underway and approaching a bend in the channel where vessels approaching from the opposite direction cannot be seen.You should sound().
Under what condition are you allowed to depart from the rules of the road().
Which statement is TRUE,according to the Rules().
When underway in a channel,you should keep to the().
Underway at night,a vessel displaying the lights shown is().
Vessels should maintain a sharp lookout,especially during December through March,when navigating the right whale’s only known calving grounds which lie off the coasts of().
When visibility is restricted(),we can say it is restricted visibility.
You are aboard the give-way vessel in a crossing situation.What should you NOT do in obeying the Rules().